For Use Monday, April 26 or thereafter

ANNAPOLIS – To protest rising gasoline prices, angry drivers are circulating a letter over the Internet urging people to refuse to buy gas Friday, in an event nicknamed “The Gas Out

Bridge Tender Finds Peace in Work

ANNAPOLIS – Harold Chaney sits in his worn, white armchair with his foot cocked up against the window, watching the cars roll by on Kent Narrows Bridge

Babes grab the handlebars and hit the road

ANNAPOLIS – Female motorcyclists are tired of sitting on the back of bikes and are taking over the handlebars

Glendening Promises to Continue Focus on Education, Environment

ANNAPOLIS – If the 1999 General Assembly session was the education session, Marylanders ain’t seen nothing yet

Women’s Caucus Proud of Defeat of Partial Birth Abortion Ban

ANNAPOLIS – Although its opposition was not unanimous, leaders of the Women Legislators of Maryland consider the defeat of a bill to ban partial birth abortions one of their proudest accomplishments this session

Maryland Auto Thefts Down

ANNAPOLIS – There’s good news for Maryland drivers: automobile theft is declining in almost every county

Maryland’s Highway Fatalities Lowest in 30 Years

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland has its fewest number of highway fatalities in 30 years, according to statistics released by the State Highway Administration Friday morning

Schaefer, Dixon Criticize Bridge Plan

ANNAPOLIS – The Board of Public Works approved a design Wednesday for the new Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge, but only after both Comptroller William Donald Schaefer and State Treasurer Richard Dixon sharply criticized the drawbridge design and complained about feeling rushed to vote

DWI Reform Loses in House Judiciary Committee

ANNAPOLIS – Large-scale DWI reform seems dead for the year, with the rejection in the House of several bills targeting drunken drivers, including two to lower the blood alcohol level at which drivers are considered intoxicated

DOT Studying High Occupancy Toll Lanes

ANNAPOLIS Drivers who want to speed past traffic on Maryland roadways might soon get the chance, but itll cost them