Drivers have turned to many different technologies to beat traffic cameras. Drivers cannot legally use these products in Maryland. Click on a thumbnail image to learn more about each technology. By Aisha Azhar and Dana Amihere/Capital News Service.
License Plate Shields

The shields are made of a reflective plastic material that rebounds any light that hits it. They are installed over the registration plate and can be easily spotted by police.
Stick-on License Plate Covers

These products use a light-bending plastic material that drivers stick on top of a license plate to distort the plate's contents. Even though they're effective against all kinds of traffic cameras -- flash and flashless -- they're also very easy to detect.
Photo Blocking Sprays

The spray deposits a thin film over the registration plate, which creates a glare on the plate when the flash from a traffic camera hits it. The glare obscures the characters on the plate, allowing drivers to avoid tickets.
Coats and Waxes

Also referred to as "stealth coats," these can be applied to the entire car -- or just the registration plate -- to help avoid detection by traffic camera radar. Retailers normally bundle the car wax with a license plate cover to provide "fool-proof" protection from both cameras and radar devices.

noPhoto, which is not yet available for sale, is a license plate cover that uses a built-in flash to wash out the license plate image captured by traffic cameras. It will be available for purchase in March 2013.