Higher education enrollment faced unprecedented drop during COVID-19 pandemic

Public higher education enrollment significantly declined despite a high unemployment rate during the pandemic, breaking a historical trend. As the country came out of the recession, enrollment plummeted even further.

Public school enrollment decreases during pandemic

As public schools in Maryland and across the country saw a decline in enrollment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, homeschooling and private school enrollment rates increased as parents grew dissatisfied with virtual instruction and, later on, mask and potential vaccine mandates.

Montgomery County Public Schools See Growth

Montgomery County Public Schools are seeing growth both inside the classroom and outside of it, according to new data released by the county.

Maryland Health Connection Enrollment Drops Despite Efforts

The number of people who enrolled in health care plans this year through the Maryland Health Connection has dropped by 10.4 percent at this point, despite efforts to increase the number of insured including a larger call center staff, a streamlined website and more public knowledge of the program.

Lack of Female Mentors Can Affect Female Science Enrollment

Female faculty can play an important role in students’ decision to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math fields.