EPA tightens air quality standard for the first time in 12 years

WASHINGTON- The Environmental Protection Agency announced a new standard for air quality aimed to reduce pollution. The agency predicts this strengthened standard will prevent up to 4,500 premature deaths and avoid an estimated 800,000 cases of asthma symptoms. It targets…

Joint effort aims at addressing Langley Park housing ills

LANGLEY PARK, Maryland – Just outside the nation’s capital, this community has been struggling for years with aging and neglected housing.  Many properties are overcrowded, poorly maintained, and have multiple environmental health hazards such as mold, lead-based paints, and pest infestations. For all…

Maryland Power Plant Emissions Decline is Sixth-Highest in Nation

Greenhouse gas emissions from Maryland’s power plants fell by more than 26 percent from 2010 to 2012, the sixth-largest drop during that time in the nation, according to data from the Environmental Protection Agency released last month.

Thousands Could Be Eating Contaminated Anacostia Fish

Half of the Anacostia fishermen share their contaminated fish with others along the watershed, according to a new survey released by local environmental groups.