EPA tightens air quality standard for the first time in 12 years

WASHINGTON- The Environmental Protection Agency announced a new standard for air quality aimed to reduce pollution. The agency predicts this strengthened standard will prevent up to 4,500 premature deaths and avoid an estimated 800,000 cases of asthma symptoms. It targets…

EPA funds pediatric asthma study at Johns Hopkins for Baltimore’s at-risk youth

Twenty percent of children in Baltimore suffer from asthma, which is more than double the national average. Lawmakers are taking the first step in clearing the air by funding a Johns Hopkins study that may bring them closer to preventing pediatric asthma.

President Obama’s Budget Increases Funds for the Chesapeake Bay Program

Though overall funding for the Environmental Protection Agency was cut in President Obama’s 2013 budget, he proposed a $15 million increase for the EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program.