U.S. Justice Department Issues Letters Supporting Citizens Recording Police Officers

The Department of Justice issued two letters to Maryland courts supporting constitutional rights of citizens recording police officers in their official capacities.

Gun Rights Proponents, Gun Control Advocates, Take to Annapolis

Gun rights supporters and gun control advocates took to Annapolis Friday as Gov. Martin O’Malley’s gun control legislation was introduced in the House.

History of Gun Legislation in Maryland

Gov. Martin O’Malley’s new gun legislation will be heard on the Senate next week. His bill would be one in a long line of gun legislation in Maryland that dates back to at least 1886.

The Process of Purchasing a Handgun in Maryland

Three months after turning 21 I decided it was time to purchase my first handgun. The process includes four forms, a background check, and ballistic fingerprinting done by the Maryland State Police.

Maryland Law Allows Disabled Athletes to Excel

The Department of Education recently announced a national directive requiring schools to give equal opportunities in sports to students with special needs.

Poll Shows Maryland Voters Support Assault Weapons Ban

Maryland voters support an assault weapons ban, strongly oppose a gas tax, and show increasing opposition to the death penalty, according to a new Gonzales Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. poll.

President Obama and Gov. Martin O’Malley Unveil Their New Public Safety Packages

Gov. Martin O’malley unveiled a gun control and public safety package similar to the one President Obama set before Congress on Wednesday. The list contains some marquee differences to current Maryland laws.