No one came to testify Tuesday in the House Environmental Matters Committee against a bill that would impose penalties on drivers who smoke with a child under the age of 8 in the car.
SB 559 was hotly debated in the Senate, but passed in that chamber 27-19.
Sen. Jennie Forehand, D- Montgomery, the bill’s sponsor, was represented at Tuesday’s bill hearing by her legislative aide, Kathy Dunn.
“I can’t predict what will happen in committee or in the House, but it would be nice (if the bill passed.)” Dunn said.
Police will be able to easily identify children under 8 in the car because Maryland law requires children to use a car seat until age 8.
Drivers who violate the law could face a fine up to $50.
Last year the bill died in both the Senate Judicial Proceedings and House Environmental Matters committees. If Environmental Matters passes the bill out of committee this year, it could be voted into law this legislative session.