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Age: 76
Employment: Retired from Baltimore County School system
Education: Two master’s degrees, Towson University and Goucher College
Why are you running for the school board?
I am running for a BCPS School Board position because I believe in a quality public education for all children. We know early learning is critical for a child’s development and we need to assure that all children have this opportunity. We are not where we need to be, our students have suffered academic, social, and emotional losses during the pandemic and they need our support and quality instruction with a challenging academic curriculum now.
Our high school students should all have the opportunity to participate in career and technology education. Learning a skill, earning certifications, earning college credits, and practical experience in a career field is valuable for all students.
What makes you a good candidate for the board?
I believe in a quality public education for all students and will work to make that possible. We need to improve and probably in some areas make substantial changes. We are educating students to be informed and knowledgeable citizens and also to be prepared to excel in jobs and careers that might not currently exist. All students should be in classrooms that challenge them to do their best. I am willing to work hard, use data to make informed decisions and always put students first.
Please name a public leader you admire and explain why.
I admired Cathi Forbes, she is a delegate representing 42A, the greater Towson area in Baltimore County. My friendship with Cathi Forbes goes back almost 20 years. Throughout this time I have witnessed what an outstanding community activist she has been. She spearheaded Towson Parents United to work toward a new elementary school, was instrumental in obtaining renovations and additions for other schools. She has worked with the Students Support Network, particularly during the pandemic. She collected food, delivered it to the site, and volunteered. Cathi works tirelessly in the community and the state legislature. She is always ready to listen and help.
What is the most important issue facing your school board, and what would you do about it if elected?
We have several issues, however one is the inability of board members to work together in a civil manner as a group. As a board, school facilities, retaining teachers, and providing a challenging academic curriculum for all students would be top priorities. Building a more efficient school system so that we are making the best use of our funding and our employees is critical also.
How concerned are you about school safety, and what if anything should be done to improve it?
I am concerned about school safety, I believe we all are. It is too easy for individuals with mental health issues to obtain weapons. There are steps that we can take. Let’s make it clear to teachers, students, and parents that if they have a concern or see something they need to report it immediately. Identify students that we may have concerns about and reach out with assistance. We need to look at laws that would limit access to weapons for individuals that are under twenty-one, especially automatic weapons. Individuals have a right to own a weapon, that is not the issue, the issue is protecting our students and staff.
Do you have any concerns about the way history is taught in your district’s schools, and if so, what are they?
I believe that we should teach history as it actually occurred. We need to acknowledge historically what we did right and where we made mistakes. We need to do this for other countries as well. We need to look at the accomplishments of all our citizens as our students need role models and often it is difficult to find them in history books,
Do you think there are circumstances when books should be removed from school libraries, and if so, what kind of books should be removed?
Yes there may be circumstances when books should not be allowed, however I believe that the school systems do an excellent job of reviewing books and placing them at appropriate grade levels Books that promote hatred of people, cultures, and religions should not be allowed.