Fate of Speed Humps Won’t Go to Voters

ANNAPOLIS – Montgomery County voters won’t get to decide on the fate of speed humps

State Board Approves Lease for Auto-Processing Plant

ANNAPOLIS – The Board of Public Works moved this week to bring another auto processing plant to the Port of Baltimore despite concerns raised by spokesmen from plants already in the port

Maryland Expected to Reap More Federal Funds for Road Repairs

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland is expected to receive additional federal funds for highway and transit improvements over the next five years thanks to a measure passed by Congress in June, a state highway official told a legislative panel Tuesday

Quayle Calls For Clinton to Step Down

ANNAPOLIS – Former Vice President Dan Quayle this week joined a growing chorus of Republicans calling for President Clinton to resign

Sauerbrey Brings In GOP Big Guns to Help Raise Money

ANNAPOLIS – George Bush and Dan Quayle are stepping up to the plate to help Republican Ellen Sauerbrey fuel her gubernatorial bid in Maryland

Maryland Lottery Uses Real Winners in TV Spots Promoting Games

ANNAPOLIS – Bob Janus wandered into the Greenbelt Variety store in July in search of a newspaper

Ecker’s `Chuck Wagon’ Heads to Baltimore and Washington Suburbs in Final Days of Campaign

ANNAPOLIS – “Chuck Ecker for governor,” the Republican candidate said over and over Wednesday morning, as he methodically made his way across the room of an assisted-living home, shaking hands and introducing himself to residents