WASHINGTON – When kids from the Carroll Avenue and Quebec Terrace Apartments saw that tension was building between warring gangs six months ago, they could have turned on each other
Firearms Pass Cars as Leading Cause of Injury-Related Deaths in Maryland
WASHINGTON – Firearms surpassed motor vehicles as the leading cause of injury-related death in Maryland in 1990, and the gap widened through 1996, according to a soon-to-be-released state report
Proposal Would Extend States’ Reach Against Online Alcohol Vendors
WASHINGTON – When Maryland officials caught six California wineries illegally mailing their product to individuals in the state in 1997, they levied fines ranging from $3,000 to $35,000 on the wineries
Abortion Clinic Workers Get Blast of Reality at Bomb Demonstration
FORT MEADE – Maryland abortion clinics have largely escaped the violent attacks by anti-abortion activists that have shattered clinics elsewhere in the nation
Doctors Say Complex Medicare Rules, Government, Have Them ‘Under Siege’
TOWSON – Doctors who turned out for a seminar on how to stay within the bounds of health care fraud laws instead buffeted a federal prosecutor this week with complaints that ever-changing regulations have put them “under siege
Millions of Documents Lure Academics, Amateurs to Archives II
COLLEGE PARK – It is 8:30 on a recent Tuesday evening — a half-hour before closing — and the bleary-eyed stragglers are filtering out of the National Archives II building after a full day’s work
From Hitler to Elvis, Archives II is a Walk Through History
COLLEGE PARK – President Kennedy’s assassination is here
Reporters Sift Newly Released Nixon Documents for `Holy Grail’
COLLEGE PARK – A handful of reporters and one researcher showed up at National Archives II Thursday to peruse previously classified segments of tape that were used as impeachment evidence against President Nixon
Archives To Release Previously Confidential Nixon Documents
COLLEGE PARK – The National Archives is set to release tens of thousands of President Nixon’s previously confidential files Thursday and portions of taped conversations that were cited in impeachment proceedings against him
“HotSpots” Program Puts Crime Under a Microscope in Calvert
WASHINGTON – A funny thing happened after the state named Chesapeake Ranch Estates an anti-crime “HotSpot” — reported crime jumped sharply in the Calvert County community