WASHINGTON – A Justice Department official told a meeting of lieutenant governors Wednesday they should look to two Maryland crime prevention programs as innovators in the national fight against prison overcrowding
Local Jailers Pass on Opportunity to Grab Federal Funds
WASHINGTON – The state and six counties will get $3
White House Wants to Attach Strings to State Tobacco Settlement Funds
WASHINGTON – The White House will not relinquish its claim to a portion of the states’ $246 billion tobacco settlement unless the states agree to use the money for public health and anti-smoking programs
Mikulski Resting After Successful Gall Bladder Surgery
WASHINGTON – Surgery to remove an inflamed gall bladder from Sen
Baltimore May Join Other Cities in Suit Against Gun Industry
WASHINGTON – Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke said Thursday he will decide by early spring whether to sue the gun industry for medical and policing costs the city has incurred as a result of gun-related violence
Mikulski Hopes to Sit on Impeachment, Despite Gall Bladder Surgery
WASHINGTON – Maryland Sen
Maryland Hopes to Keep Fed Hands Off $4.4 Billion Tobacco Settlement
WASHINGTON – A proposed federal lawsuit against tobacco companies should end the government’s bid to grab half of a $4
Baltimore Lawmakers Find Little to Criticize in State of Union
WASHINGTON – Baltimore-area congressmen said President Clinton presented a generally laudable State of the Union address to the nation under the trying circumstances of an impeachment trial
More Voters Turn to E-Mail to Make Their Voices Heard in Congress
WASHINGTON – Maryland voters are going on-line in record numbers to give their congressmen an earful on the impeachment of President Clinton
Mikulski Deluged With Requests for Impeachment Tickets
WASHINGTON Despite polls that show voters are tired of President Clinton’s legal travails, tickets to his impeachment trial appear to be a hot commodity for Marylanders