Montgomery Magnet School Ruling Could Hamper Other Schools’ Diversity Plans

WASHINGTON – A federal appeals court ruling overturning Montgomery County’s race-based school transfer policy “casts a chill” on other schools’ integration efforts, said an education official in Maryland

Student Loan Default Rate Improves in Maryland, Beats National Average

WASHINGTON – The percent of Maryland college students who defaulted on their school loans fell below the national average in fiscal 1997, an improvement that state officials believe was helped by a thriving economy

Maryland, Virginia Push Feds to Fund $1.5 Billion of New Wilson Bridge

WASHINGTON – Maryland and Virginia officials said they can only pay $400 million of the projected $1

Fewer Than One Student in Four Writes Above Basic Level, Study Says

WASHINGTON – Only 1 percent of Maryland students write at an “advanced” level and 77 percent had skills that were basic or worse, according to a national report card on students’ writing abilities

State Educator Says Teachers Need Training to Make Technology Work

WASHINGTON – Computers in classrooms are not enough if teachers are not properly trained to use them, a Montgomery County school official told a congressional subcommittee Wednesday

Uniforms Gain Popularity 12 Years After Inception

WASHINGTON- School uniforms have been popular in Maryland since at least 1987, and the dozen years since have seen only an increase in that trend