Maryland Ties in Highest-Income Bracket, Census Finds

WASHINGTON – Maryland was one of three states in a statistical tie for highest median household income in 2005, according to a U

Third Defendant Pleads Guilty for Transporting Illegals

A Guatemalan native has pleaded guilty in U

Postmaster General Commended on Delivery Improvements

WASHINGTON – Mail is being delivered as quickly in Southern Maryland as it is in other parts of the country for the first time in years, Rep

Md. Trade Schools in Danger of Losing Student Loan Programs

WASHINGTON – Five Maryland trade schools will lose funds from national student aid programs because of students’ failure to repay their loans, according to a report released Friday by the U

Former Democratic Governor Supports Dole for President

WASHINGTON – Former Maryland Gov

Hundreds Compete for Right to Head to Conventions

WASHINGTON – Three-time Republican National Convention delegate Audrey Scott remembers the anticipation of watching President Bush and then-Sen

7th District Candidates Spending on Ads, Pollsters

WASHINGTON – Four of the Democrats competing for Kweisi Mfume’s vacant 7th District seat have spent more than $50,000 on their campaigns since Jan

Keyes’ Spokesman Says He’s in Presidential Race ‘Til the End

WASHINGTON – Republican presidential candidate Alan Keyes, who came in sixth in the Iowa caucuses, does not plan to follow fifth-place finisher Phil Gramm out of the contest, a Keyes spokesman said

School Violence and Anti-Drug Programs Could See Cuts

WASHINGTON – Maryland school violence and drug-prevention programs could lose $1