After Snowplows Damage Highways, State Must Clean Up After Its Cleanup

ANNAPOLIS – First the state spent more than $100 million to clear its roadways after this winter’s record-breaking snowstorms

Republicans Propose Major Spending Cuts, Eventual Tax Reductions

ANNAPOLIS – Republican lawmakers recommended cutting hundreds of millions of dollars from Gov

February’s Snows Cost State $50 Million

ANNAPOLIS – This month’s back-to-back blizzards wiped out the tiny remainder of the state’s snow removal budget that had survived a record December storm, leaving the Department of Transportation facing a fresh budget hole of nearly $50 million, officials said

Bill Would Restrict Transportation Fund Transfers

ANNAPOLIS – Some legislators are calling for the state to reverse its recent trend of depending on large-scale revenue transfers to balance its budget, proposing a new bill to rein in the practice they describe as fiscally irresponsible

As More Snow Falls, Debate Continues Over State Aid to Counties

ANNAPOLIS – As repeated snowfalls further erode county road budgets already decimated by large-scale state cuts, some legislators nonetheless feel counties have yet to bear the brunt of the economic downturn

The Cost of Maryland’s Budget

ANNAPOLIS – How much does a budget cost?

In Maryland, the tally comes to at least several million dollars — and possibly much more

Fetch Breaks Monotony in the State House

ANNAPOLIS – Before the State House filled up with legislators, staffers and media Friday, the silence of the main lobby was broken by the echoing sounds of toenails skittering on slick tile as Hunter chased his ball

Legislators, Experts Offer Mixed Reactions on Fund Transfers

ANNAPOLIS – A series of fund transfers that would close nearly half the state’s projected $2 billion budget shortfall has sparked some concern that the move could harm Maryland’s future finances and its prized AAA bond rating