Despite reassurances from Gov. Martin O’Malley that additional consumer fees would be capped at $2 a month under his wind farm proposal, a number of senators said Tuesday they are still concerned that tapping into offshore wind would cost too much.
Feds Give Offshore Wind Farms a Positive Review
A federal environmental assessment, conducted by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, has deemed there would be no significant environmental impact to moving ahead with wind energy projects in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and New Jersey.
Rockville Company Tests Hybrid Model in University of Maryland Wind Tunnel
A Maryland company, Genovation Cars Inc., is in the process of creating a plug-in electric hybrid they are calling the G2.
Possible Doubling of Flush Tax Worries Some Legislators
A number of legislators are concerned that Gov. Martin O’Malley’s proposal to raise the flush tax from $2.50 to $5 a month to help clean up the Chesapeake Bay could be too much for constituents to handle, especially in a bad economy.
O’Malley Introduces Updated Offshore Wind Bill
After failing in last year’s legislative session, Gov. Martin O’Malley is trying again with a new bill that would make offshore wind farming a viable energy source in Maryland.
Toyota Displays New Prius Plug-in Hybrid to Maryland Delegates
Toyota showed off a prototype of its new Prius Plug-in Hybrid to members of the House Environmental Matters Committee on Tuesday after a meeting.
The new Plug-in Hybrid can run 15 miles on all electrical power before shifting over to operate as a hybrid car, getting 50 miles per gallon.
Delegates Discuss Statewide Motor Vehicle Accident Data
Though statistics show that statewide motor vehicle crashes decreased by 6 percent from 2005 to 2009, motor vehicle laws will still be a major topic for the House Environmental Matters Committee this year.
Eastern Shore Delegation Speaks Passionately Against PlanMaryland
Eastern Shore delegates told a state official Friday that Gov. Martin O’Malley’s PlanMaryland, which seeks to control sprawl, amounts to centralized planning and will restrict the private property rights of rural residents.