Tuition Remains High for Maryland Colleges

ANNAPOLIS – The cost to attend a public college in Maryland continues to be one of the highest in the country, although it hasn’t increased as much as the national average, according to a recent report and state higher education statistics

School Construction Funding Pool Drying Up

ANNAPOLIS – Funding for school construction in Maryland next fiscal year may be less than school districts are hoping

Pupils Taught to Analyze Media Messages

RISING SUN – Calvert Elementary third-graders in Connie Seibert’s class stare at the “media messages” laid out on their desks

World’s Oldest Operating Airport Imperiled

COLLEGE PARK – The world’s oldest operating airport has lasted for almost a century, but now it’s uncertain whether it will make it through the year

Four Maryland General Aviation Airports May Reopen

ANNAPOLIS – Restrictions placed on small airports in Maryland since Sept

Survey Shows Maryland Teen Drug Use Down, Except Ecstasy

BALTIMORE – Drug use among Maryland teens has continued to decrease over the past six years, according to a survey released Tuesday, but administrators are concerned about the increasing popularity of designer drugs

Airport Owners Panic over Plummeting Profits

ANNAPOLIS – Owners of small airfields in Maryland are losing thousands of dollars a day and their properties could close because flights were halted from the airports nationwide after hijacked jetliners crashed into Pentagon and World Trade Center last week

Schools Strive for Regular Day After Terrorist Attacks

ANNAPOLIS – Administrators tried to get state schools back to normal Thursday following Tuesday’s terrorist attacks, but no one could get it out of their minds