ANNAPOLIS – The Senate Tuesday passed the first of several proposed campaign finance reforms, a bill to allow more timely access to the identities of those who donate money just before the General Assembly begins each year
Painful Budget Cuts Bring Call For Tax Cut Delay
ANNAPOLIS – As the Senate budget committee continued slashing program funds Thursday to fill a growing budget gap, some lawmakers began clamoring to halt the 2 percent income tax cut in order to trim less from them
Tight Budget Year Could Propel Senate Move to Shift Budget Power
ANNAPOLIS – With the state facing a projected $1 billion deficit and advocates complaining that basic services will lack funds under Gov
Revenue Slump Grows, Worrying Legislators
ANNAPOLIS – Comptroller reports show Maryland income tax revenues are down $71
Decorative Plate Could Fund Sept. 11 Scholarships
ANNAPOLIS – A new commemorative license plate would provide a tax-free revenue stream for scholarships to terror victims without making a tight budget year worse, says the bill’s sponsor
US Airways Gate Sale Opens Up BWI Expansion Opportunities
ANNAPOLIS – The Board of Public Works Wednesday approved the $4
Maryland Campaign Finance Reformers See Opportunity In Enron
ANNAPOLIS – Maryland campaign finance reformers are hoping attention surrounding the bankrupt Enron corporation and investigations into its ties to the Bush and Clinton administrations will boost efforts to strengthen state contribution laws
Montgomery Delegation Voted to Double Discovery Tax Break
ANNAPOLIS – Montgomery County’s House delegation Friday voted to double a planned tax break for Discovery Communications’ new Silver Spring headquarters, despite the fact that the company won’t be bringing a promised 1,000 new jobs to the area