ANNAPOLIS – The Maritime Republic of Eastport “rejoined” Annapolis Friday, ending its fictional secession from the city with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on the bridge linking the two communities
Telecommuting Makes Life Easier for Waynesboro Mom
ANNAPOLIS – Maryann Killian can help her son get ready for school in the morning
Telecommuting Centers Scramble As Funding Deadline Nears
ANNAPOLIS – Telework centers that have shortened the commute for hundreds of Maryland workers will begin losing their federal subsidies this year, sending the centers scrambling for funds to survive
Southern Maryland Asks for School Money to Keep Up With Growth
ANNAPOLIS – Southern Maryland officials pleaded Thursday for a bigger chunk of the state’s $222 million proposed school construction budget, citing the region’s explosive growth
Rush to Switch Off Air Bags Worries Safety Experts
ANNAPOLIS – Just over 100 Maryland residents have won permission from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to have air bag on/off switches installed in their cars beginning Monday