Maryland may become the first state to ban the use of Vaportinis, which allow users to inhale fumes from heated alcoholic drinks.
Transgender Rights Bill Awaits Final Vote in House
A transgender rights bill passed through the Senate. But will it pass through the House? The House will issue a final vote on the proposed measure in just a few days.
Bill Would Ban E-cigarette Use in Public Places
Maryland e-cigarette retailers complain that a ban on the use of e-cigarettes wherever traditional cigarettes are prohibited would prevent customers from sampling inside e-cigarette shops.
‘Revenge Porn’ Bill Passes Through House, Moves on to Senate
“Revenge porn” bill would make it a crime to maliciously post explicit photos online of someone without their consent.
Bill Would Recognize Multilingual Public High School Students
Maryland could become fourth state to recognize public high school graduates who demonstrate proficiency in a language other than English.
Bill Would Require Maryland Colleges to Issue Sexual Assault Survey
A Maryland bill would address underreporting of sexual assault on college campuses by issuing anonymous sexual assault surveys.