Maryland Congressional Delegation Overwhelmingly Backs Anti-Terrorism Measure

WASHINGTON – Maryland lawmakers voted overwhelmingly Friday for a federal anti-terrorism bill that greatly expands police power on searches, wiretapping and the use of electronic surveillance to track terror suspects

Businesses Hail Court Ruling that Relaxes `Extraneous’ Clean Water Act Issues

WASHINGTON – Environmentalists vowed Thursday to challenge a federal appeals court ruling that could make it easier for businesses and governments to defend themselves against pollution charges

Montgomery Vows to Take Another Shot at Blocking Gun Shows in County

WASHINGTON – The Montgomery County Council voted Tuesday to appeal a federal judge’s ruling that the county cannot restrict gun shows in the city of Gaithersburg

House Rejects Proposal to Redirect Farm Aid to Conservation, Smaller Farms

WASHINGTON – The House on Thursday narrowly rejected a proposal that supporters said would have benefited smaller farmers like those in Maryland by shifting funds in the $170 billion farm bill from subsidies to conservation incentives

As Northeast Dairy Compact Expires, Maryland Farmers Cry Over Spilled Milk

WASHINGTON – State dairy farmers said the expiration this week of the Northeast Dairy Compact thwarted years of efforts to get Maryland included in the organization, which sets minimum milk prices in some states

GOP Gubernatorial Campaigns Have `Understanding’ to Support Each Other

WASHINGTON – Besides raising money for their own campaigns, Maryland’s two Republican gubernatorial candidates say they are also raising foot soldiers who can switch allegiance between candidates should one of the two drop out

Maryland Officials Welcome White House Initiatives on Agriculture Bill

WASHINGTON – Maryland lawmakers and farm groups are lauding the Bush administration’s newly released farm policy, which calls for increased funding for conservation and more equal distribution of government money to farmers

Poultry Producers See Boon in China’s Entry to World Trade Organization

WASHINGTON – Maryland poultry producers are welcoming China’s entry into the World Trade Organization this week, a move that could open vast new markets for U

Synagogues, Police Take Extra Precautions for High Holy Days

WASHINGTON – Police are urging Maryland Jewish congregations to take extra security precautions for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services in the wake of last week’s terrorist attacks, and at least some synagogues appear to be listening