Comparable Training Centers Fail to Sway Ruthsburg Facility’s Opponents

WASHINGTON – Battle lines are drawn on the Eastern Shore over a proposed State Department training center planned for tiny Ruthsburg

Md. Senators Want Local Control of Natural Gas Terminals

WASHINGTON – Both of Maryland’s senators, along with others from Connecticut, Washington and Oregon, are fighting to revoke federal authority over locating controversial liquefied natural gas terminals and returning that power to local control

Bay Safe From Snow Runoff, But Rainstorms Loom

WASHINGTON- “Snowpocalypse” removal methods won’t hurt the Chesapeake Bay as they flow downstream, but spring showers are another matter, experts say

Federal Training Facility Brews Queen Anne’s Brouhaha

WASHINGTON – What started as an effort to create jobs in Queen Anne’s County and increase national security has devolved into months of finger pointing, heated Facebook posts, dozens of furious letters, boycotts and a lot of extremely unhappy people

Maryland Politicians Miss the Tweet Life

WASHINGTON – Official congressional life in 140 characters is passing much of Maryland by, while constituents from other states get instant Twitter updates from Capitol Hill constantly

Delegation Goes to Bat for Snowstorm Funds

WASHINGTON – Maryland’s congressional delegation is encouraging President Obama to loosen the purse strings on federal funding to cover the toll December’s record-breaking snowstorm took on public resources

Sandusky Rescues Ice-bound Watermen

CHESTER – Out on the Chesapeake’s Prospect Bay, blinding morning sunlight dances off the thick layer of ice that covers the freezing waters for as far as the eye can see