County scores highest across the board on inaugural PARCC exams
Elementary, middle school PARCC scores again fall short of readiness levels
Fewer than half of Maryland students passed the PARCC exam
Maryland commission studies standardized-testing times in all 24 jurisdictions
Commission sets timeline for recommendations
New PARCC baseline starts low
Video by Gabe Katzman BALTIMORE – A majority of Maryland high school students failed to hit grade-level targets for college readiness, including alarmingly few black and Hispanic students, according to new, statewide exams scores released Tuesday by the state Board…
10 percent of schools statewide lack air conditioning; some officials draw criticism in Annapolis
State officials turned the heat up on Baltimore County school officials last month after parents and students complained of the lack of air conditioning in around one-third of its schools.
Marylanders Weigh Removal of Memorials 150 years after Civil War
Confederate monuments around the state are under review