Interstate 270 has become increasingly congested and relief for commuters is miles away.
Maryland Small Business Owners Tell Congress to Reform Taxes
Two Maryland business owners pushed their tax reform proposals to help companies succeed and plan for the future at a House Committee on Small Business hearing Wednesday.
Frederick County ‘Activity Centers’ Help Channel Growth
Brunswick represents one of the eight areas in Frederick County that made the list of 139 activity centers approved this year by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.
Generators Provide Back-up Power During Outages
WASHINGTON – Maryland residents who fear the next winter storm will cut their power supply might appreciate CDS Logistics President Roy Cranford’s vision of stationary generators one day becoming as commonplace as air conditioners.
Maryland Politicians Discuss Sequester’s Impact on BWI, State Businesses
The automatic spending cuts that began Friday could result in longer lines at airport security checks and closure of air traffic control towers if Congress doesn’t agree on a way to reduce the budget.
Md. Public Service Commission Allows Temporary Opt Out of Smart Meters
Regulators have allowed customers to continue to opt out of smart electric meters, amid public concerns about their safety.
Maryland Democrats Celebrate at Party’s Inaugural Ball
Maryland’s ruling class turned out in their finest Sunday evening for the state Democratic Party’s Inaugural Ball at the Gaylord Hotel.
UMD Lab Helps Keep Inauguration Traffic on Track
A transportation system created by the Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory at the University of Maryland, College Park will be used during Monday’s Presidential Inauguration