BALTIMORE – Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, 150 million gallons of musty sewage churns through 12 vats at the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant for nitrogen removal treatment
PEPCO and BGE Make Environmentalist’s List of Top 100 Dirtiest Older Power Plants
ANNAPOLIS – Two of Maryland’s largest power providers own generating stations targeted by an environmental group as among the top 100 older polluting plants for their release of tons of pollutants through purported abuses of loopholes in the Clean Air Act
House Backs Moratorium on Site 104 Dumping, Dredge Alternatives
ANNAPOLIS – After a bitter debate Friday, the Maryland House of Delegates passed a bill to temporarily bar the Baltimore Port Administration from dumping dredge spoil into the Chesapeake Bay’s Site 104
Greenhouse Cooperative Could Bring Green To Eastern Shore Thumbs and Economy
DENTON – Charles Lohmeyer stands in a sea of more than 100,000 pink, purple and yellow begonias, impatiens and marigolds
Lawmakers Working to Solve Maryland Dental Dilemma
ANNAPOLIS – With a growing dental-care crisis in rural Maryland, lawmakers are trying to find ways to attract dentists to underserved areas – and keep them there
Dentist Dearth Gives Rural Maryland Toothache
ANNAPOLIS – TLC Community Health Center’s two dentists handle a patient load nearly double that of the average dentist and receive dozens more crisis calls about children with so much tooth decay they need surgery
Universities Say Late School Start Could Cost Millions
ANNAPOLIS – The University System of Maryland would have to cancel winter term, a $4