WALDORF – Fifteen people have been killed on U
Appeals Court Overturns Award for Laid-Off Tour Conductor
WASHINGTON – A federal appeals court Friday reversed a jury’s decision awarding more than $10,000 in damages to a former sight-seeing tour conductor
4th District Loser to Challenge District on Racial Grounds
WASHINGTON – The Republican 4th District congressional candidate, who lost in a landslide Tuesday, said he will file a lawsuit this week claiming the district was unconstitutionally drawn to favor black voters
Highway Deaths at Lowest Rate Ever in Maryland
WASHINGTON – Maryland highway deaths are at their lowest rate since the state began keeping records, according to new statistics from state and federal officials
Neas Attacks Morella as Too Conservative in Competitive 8th District
WASHINGTON – In the last week of his bid to unseat 8th District Rep
Social Security Numbers on Driver’s Licenses Raises Fears
WASHINGTON – Congress last week failed to repeal a law that will require that Social Security numbers become part of a driver’s license, a plan that privacy advocates fear is the first step toward a national ID card
4th District Candidate Expects Defeat, But Hopes for a Miracle
WASHINGTON – John Kimble sighs and says that he expects to lose badly in the race for Maryland’s 4th District congressional seat
Completion of Baltimore-Washington Parkway, Other State Projects, Funded
WASHINGTON – While bulldozers rumbled in front of them, Maryland congressmen patted themselves on the back Wednesday for securing the funds to finish the Baltimore-Washington Parkway construction under budget and ahead of schedule
First-time Candidate Faces Long Odds in Race Against Cardin
WASHINGTON – Colin Harby was sitting in a bar in Alexandria, Va