The bill, which aims to significantly curtail the state’s greenhouse gas emissions and sets it on a path for net zero emissions by 2045, cleared the legislature on a party-line vote.
Maryland bill for expanded abortion access awaits governor’s signature
ANNAPOLIS – A bill that its proponents say would expand abortion access by providing $3.5 million for training of nurse practitioners and other medical professionals to perform the procedure passed the Senate Tuesday by a vote of 28-15. Currently only…
Maryland lawmakers scramble to get climate bill to governor by Friday
The Maryland House of Delegates passed an amended version of landmark climate legislation Tuesday, setting legislators scrambling to get the bill to Republican Gov. Larry Hogan by Friday to allow time for a possible veto override.
Maryland becomes first state to lower gas prices with fuel tax moratorium
Maryland drivers got immediate relief at the pump on Feb. 18 when Republican Gov. Larry Hogan signed into law a 30-day gas tax moratorium.
Maryland legislators’ gas tax holiday awaits governor’s signature
The bill, which would stop the state’s nearly 37-cent fuel tax for a month, would go into effect immediately with the governor’s signature.
Soaring gas prices push Maryland drivers to alter travel, spending decisions
Drivers interviewed by Capital News Service said those costs are forcing them to make tough decisions about how they spend their money, from travel to fuel purchases to recreation.
Lawmakers can’t guarantee benefits of Maryland gas tax holiday plan
Gov. Hogan believes gas station owners may pocket their savings instead of lowering prices enough for consumers. Some feel that 30 days is not enough time to level prices.
Climate advocates question “watered down” environment bill
Lawmakers dropped a key mandate that buildings beginning construction in 2024 be all-electric, citing a need to compromise with the bill’s staunchest opponents.
Franchot calls for Maryland gas tax holiday
Marylanders are paying an average of $4.30 at the pump, an increase of over 83 cents from a month ago and a 55-cent bump from just last week, according to AAA gas price trackers.
Maryland universities send $4 million in medical supplies to Ukraine
The universities are sending more than $4 million in medical supplies to the country, which has endured attacks on various hospitals, ambulances and health facilities.