Legislation under consideration in the Maryland General Assembly would add attempted carjacking and attempted armed carjacking to the list of offenses that juveniles at least 16 years of age can be charged with as adults.
Maryland lawmaker introduces bill to educate youth on potential risks of gambling
Legislation in the Maryland General Assembly would ask high school health teachers to include the dangers of problem gambling in their curriculum.
Maryland might feel economic strain of novel coronavirus in mid-March or April
Marylanders might notice fewer goods in stores by mid-March or April due to the effects of the novel coronavirus on the global supply chain, the acting director of the Port of Baltimore told lawmakers Friday.
An expected shipment to the Port of Baltimore has been cancelled for the first time because of the virus — due to a lack of goods.
Meanwhile, state leaders in Annapolis are urging Marylanders not to panic.
Maryland bill strives to limit minors’ access to firearms
With amendments underway, a bill in the Maryland General Assembly looks to change the language of an existing law in order to reduce the risk of minors’ access to guns.
‘Life and death crisis’ in Baltimore leads Hogan to push crime bills
Calling it a “life and death crisis,” — particularly in Baltimore — Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced he will redesignate his violent crime package as emergency legislation.
Bill looks to make single-occupant restrooms gender-neutral
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Many public buildings in Maryland would be required to make their single-occupant bathrooms gender neutral under legislation in the state’s General Assembly. The proposed law would require public facilities to change their pictorial or gender-exclusive signage for…
Maryland bill would ban plastic carryout bags from stores
Plastic carryout bags would essentially be a thing of the past in Maryland if a bill in the General Assembly gathers enough lawmakers’ votes.
Bill would cover pets under Maryland’s black bear damage fund
Maryland’s Black Bear Damage Reimbursement Fund would be expanded under Senate bill 353 to add pets to the list of reimbursable “items” damaged by the state’s growing black bear population.
Maryland Senate passes legislation that would provide support dogs to child witnesses in court
Legislation that passed in the Maryland Senate would establish statewide an initiative to provide therapy dogs to child witnesses in circuit court hearings and proceedings.
Cybersecurity bill aims to create a base level of defense for local agencies
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — A new Maryland bill would ask the state’s Department of Information Technology to develop a baseline plan for localities within the state to help battle cyber attacks. Senate bill 120, introduced by Sen. Susan Lee, D-Montgomery, would…