The only tall ship left in the U.S. military is the Coast Guard’s USS Eagle. Its home port for years has been London, Connecticut but that’s all about to change as she now calls Charm City home.
Two-year-old Girl May Be the Orioles Biggest Smallest Fan
Two-year-old Baltimore area girl may well be the Orioles smallest biggest fan.
National Fossil Day Hosted at Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History
Several students from around the region gathered at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History to celebrate National Fossil Day.
Repairs Continue at Washington National Cathedral Three Years After Earthquake
The Washington National Cathedral opened its doors Thursday morning in honor of the Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill happening around the country. The Cathedral was severely damaged by the 5.8 magnitude earthquake that shook the Washington metropolitan area in August of 2011.
Parents Join With School Children for Annual Walk to School Day
Thousands of schools across the country teamed up to inspire parents and children to walk to school in honor of National Walk to School Day.
State Employees Learn Details of Controversial New State Wellness Program
It was standing room only–with many being turned away–when state employees turned out in College Park to learn the details about a controversial new state wellness program.
Area Students Get A First-Hand Lesson On the Farm
UPPER MARLBORO- Area students visited Montpelier Farm in Prince George’s County for a first-hand look at how the food they eat goes from the farm to store shelves.
VOTING TESTS: Coming soon to a polling site near you.
BALTIMORE – The Maryland State Board of Elections, required to find a new voting system that provides a voter-verfiable record, recently sponsored a hands-on demonstration to help the Board determine what will be used for the 2016 presidential primary election.
Baltimore City School Kids Learn How to Be Green Pioneers
Some Baltimore City kids are getting a chance to become the next generation of “green” pioneers, thanks to a generous donation from the Environmental Protection Agency.
Bartending Friends Look for Solution to Drink Spiking Problem
By Dennis Ting Capital News Service ADAMS MORGAN, WASHINGTON, D.C. – Mike Bokman and Frank Mills are bartenders and best friends who are also in the business of safety. Drink safety that is. The DrinkLock is a new invention intended…