he U.S. Attorney’s office announced that 80 individuals – including prisoners and correctional officers – will be charged in the Maryland’s largest crackdown on racketeering.
Howard County Public Schools are building a new net zero school
The new Wilde Lake Middle School will be the first net zero school in Maryland.
Sister of Maryland Drowsy Driving Victim Speaks Out
Experts estimate an average of 6,000 people die every year from fatigue-related motor vehicle accidents and an alarming portion of those accidents involve young adult drivers.
Nats Fans Give Team Good Luck… Literally
The Nationals have not advanced past the NLDS since 1981 — when they were still the Expos. This year, they’re looking to the fans for a bit of good luck. In return, fans had the chance to win playoff tickets.
Maryland researchers are testing drones for public safety use
Researchers from the University of Maryland Unmanned Aircraft System Test Site are looking into the public safety uses for drones. After simulating a medical delivery across the Chesapeake Bay this summer, the researchers tested a drone that drops a life vest at a safety conference in Laurel.
Historic WWII tower in Delaware prepares for renovation
Several local historical groups are working to restore one of the 11 World War II watchtowers that dot Delaware’s coast. The $2.1 million restoration project is currently underway at Tower 3 on Dewey Beach with the hope to open the landmark as a public museum within the next three years.
A Baltimore brewery is bringing back old time alcohol
Mead is the world’s oldest alcohol, dating back to before written history, and a Baltimore brewery is working to bring it back. Two entrepreneurs started Charm City Meadworks to make mead more mainstream.
New Law Designed to Save Bees Takes Effect Oct. 1
On October 1st, the Pollinator Protection Act, which bans at-home use of a certain pesticide called neonicotinoids, goes into effect, a move aimed at protecting ailing bee populations.
University of Maryland Student Dead in Domestic Murder Suicide
University of Maryland junior Farhad Siddique was killed Wednesday in a domestic-related double homicide. The suspect is his own father.
NASA Administrator visits a Prince George’s County school
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden Jr. visited John Hanson Montessori School in Prince George’s County Thursday. Education is the key to success, Bolden said.