Foreign Reporting

War, violence still haunt Salvadoran immigrants in Maryland

Since the Salvadoran civil war four decades ago, nearly 1.3 million Salvadorans have come to the United States seeking safety from a conflict and its aftermath that is now long-forgotten by many Washington decision-makers but always present for those whose lives were changed forever.

Three childhood friends, one at UMD, experience war across the world

Hours after Russia announced its military mobilization against Ukraine in September, St. Petersburg resident Evgenii Sapozhnikov, 24, and his wife, Natasha, packed their bags and fled across the border to Finland, leaving behind their apartment, their careers, their relatives and the life they once knew.

Disastrous Pakistan floods shock villagers, UMD alum

Over the course of a month, floodwaters in Pakistan rose about 5 to 10 feet, destroying villages, killing livestock and thousands of people and displacing millions in search of shelter and clean drinking water.

Maryland dry cleaners gave Koreans, Asians a place to thrive after war’s destruction

Top Flight Cleaners, a small dry cleaners, sits in a strip mall across from the main gate of Joint Base Andrews, an Air Force base in Prince George’s County, Maryland. The owner cleans and alters thousands of military officer’s uniforms, but she said she prefers not to know their rank because the possibility of messing up a senior official’s uniform makers her nervous.