ROCKVILLE – Emily Ongiro used to have only one reason to celebrate Thanksgiving — so that her 6-year-old son could share the experience with his friends at school
Cheverly Officials OK Purchase of Homes That HUD Forgot
WASHINGTON – Cheverly officials gave the go-ahead Tuesday to buy three run-down houses from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, less than a month after the town sued HUD for neglecting the properties
Despite Prosperity, Marylanders are Penny-Pinchers in Charity Giving
WASHINGTON – It may be the season of giving, but don’t count on Marylanders to open up their wallets or purses too wide
MADD Says Maryland Not Keeping Pace in Passing Drunk Driving Bills
WASHINGTON – Maryland has slipped in a ranking of state efforts to fight drunken driving, according to a national group that said the state has not done enough to pass new laws
Troopers Tend Thanksgiving Travelers
ANNAPOLIS – Every fourth Wednesday in November, Maryland’s roads are packed tighter than stuffing into a Thanksgiving turkey, creating some of the most dangerous driving conditions people see all year
Group Backs Off Plan to Make Kidneys Harder to Get for Maryland Patients
WASHINGTON – The country’s organ-sharing network withdrew its threat Friday to demote Maryland on its kidney waiting-list after the state showed good progress in repaying its “kidney debt” this year
Schools Stick With Tradition When It Comes to Celebrating Thanksgiving
WASHINGTON – Cisco Nochera said he tries to be culturally sensitive when discussing Thanksgiving with his pre-kindergarten students, using the term Native American along with Indian, for example
Marylanders Jumping Ship on Thanksgiving Traditions
WASHINGTON- Like most Americans, John McAllister of Hagerstown will be traveling this Thanksgiving, but his trip won’t simply be over the river and through the woods
GOP Sees Glass Half-Full, Democrats Half-Empty, as Congress Winds Down
WASHINGTON – Interest groups from across the ideological spectrum are giving the first session of the 106th Congress a resounding ho-hum — as are some Democrats in Maryland’s congressional delegation