
Maryland Eyes Outcome of Supreme Court Case on Mandatory Student Fees

WASHINGTON – Colleges should be allowed to collect mandatory student fees, even if some students object to the campus groups that their money is being used to support, the University of Wisconsin argued Tuesday before the Supreme Court

As Deer Hit the Roads for Mating Season, Cars Hit the Deer

WASHINGTON – Auto body shop manager Tim Karamichalis knows when it’s deer mating season — business at his Rockville shop goes up

Criminal Justice Experts Say Dip in Juvenile Crime May Just Be a Lull

WASHINGTON – The number of Maryland teens tried as adults may be down now, but the state should begin preparing for another large wave of youth offenders committing violent crimes, safety experts said

Students, Parents Agree, It’s Not Easy Being Gay in High School

GREENBELT – Dion Brewer has a good idea of what would happen to a homosexual classmate at his Prince George’s County high school

Advocates Say Gay Students are Under Fire, But Statistics Are Hard to Come By

WASHINGTON – When the State Board of Education voted recently to remove sexual orientation from a list of protected groups in school safety regulations, opponents said the change would open the door to more attacks

Number of Juveniles Tried as Adults Hits Five-Year Low in Maryland

WASHINGTON – The number of juveniles tried as adults in Maryland reached a five-year low in 1998, despite laws that were aimed at making it easier to send youths to adult court

Increasing Use of Lasers Lets Police Hunt for Speeders at Night

WASHINGTON – Alexander Anneker was zipping around a curve on Interstate 295 in Prince George’s County earlier this fall when a man with a gun suddenly stepped in front of his car

Lasers Make Nighttime Speed Traps Possible — But Not Safe — for Cops

WASHINGTON – Wicomico County Sheriff’s deputies have yet to take their new laser gun out at night

Blind Workers Ask for Help, But Say State Looks the Other Way

WASHINGTON – Blind Industries and Services of Maryland has turned to the state government for support after seeing a “noticeable decline in the sales of certain products” to the federal government during the last five years