
Health Officials Confirm Case of Meningitis in College Park Student

WASHINGTON – Health officials confirmed Wednesday that a University of Maryland student contracted a bacterial form of meningitis, but said they believe the situation is under control

AAA Says Cars, Light Trucks Are Not the Culprits in Creating Smog

WASHINGTON – Maryland drivers contribute less to smog levels than they may think, according to the American Automobile Association and state environmental officials

Maryland Officials Keep Eye on Potentially Fatal Bird-Borne Virus

WASHINGTON – Maryland health officials say they are keeping close watch on the West Nile virus, which has killed four people in New York and could be carried here by migrating crows

Maryland Shelter Workers Urge Congress to Extend Violence Against Women Act

WASHINGTON – Jill finally got a restraining order against Steve after he held her hostage in their Baltimore home for two hours in late August

College Park Student Hospitalized with Meningitis-Like Symptoms

WASHINGTON – A University of Maryland student was hospitalized Tuesday with what appeared to be a bacterial form of meningitis and College Park officials were seeking anyone who may have been in close contact with him

Fewer Than One Student in Four Writes Above Basic Level, Study Says

WASHINGTON – Only 1 percent of Maryland students write at an “advanced” level and 77 percent had skills that were basic or worse, according to a national report card on students’ writing abilities

State Officials Worry Over Welfare Cuts Being Weighed by Congress

WASHINGTON – The Senate is scheduled to take up a bill Wednesday that would cut social services funding to the states by $859 million next year, a cut that state officials warned could have a “direct impact on families in Maryland

Bereano Will Speak to Lobbyist Reform Panel

ANNAPOLIS – Lobbyist Bruce C

Medicinal Marijuana Users Watch, Hope for D.C. Bill to Legalize Use

WASHINGTON – If medicinal marijuana becomes legal in Washington, D

Despite Prohibition, Some State Doctors, Patients Swear by Marijuana Use

WASHINGTON – Possession of marijuana is illegal in Maryland, punishable by up to a year in jail and a fine of $1,000