
Maryland at Forefront of Fight Against Drug-Resistant Germs

WASHINGTON – Maryland is one of a handful of states taking steps to track and combat the growing threat posed by drug-resistant bacteria, the state’s epidemiologist told a congressional subcommittee Thursday

Farmers Struggle to Keep the Family Farm

ANNAPOLIS – Neighbors call the hog farm a health hazard

Reporters Sift Newly Released Nixon Documents for `Holy Grail’

COLLEGE PARK – A handful of reporters and one researcher showed up at National Archives II Thursday to peruse previously classified segments of tape that were used as impeachment evidence against President Nixon

Transit Helps Move People from Welfare to Work

ANNAPOLIS – Successful welfare reform is directly tied to adequate public transportation, experts say

Maryland Women Earn 74 cents To Male Dollar

WASHINGTON – Women in Maryland earn 74 cents for every $1 earned by men, or $173 less per week than the median salary for men, according to a study released Wednesday

Bill mandates drug, mental health screening for juvenile offenders

ANNAPOLIS More than half of all Maryland juvenile offenders have psychiatric problems, and one in four require mental health services that many aren’t getting, experts said Wednesday

Archives To Release Previously Confidential Nixon Documents

COLLEGE PARK – The National Archives is set to release tens of thousands of President Nixon’s previously confidential files Thursday and portions of taped conversations that were cited in impeachment proceedings against him

Surfing Seniors,770

ODENTON In the middle of a dark, cramped room, Raymond H

Electric Deregulation Bills To Dominate Hearing

ANNAPOLIS- Electric deregulation will be the buzzword in the Statehouse today as the first round of bill hearings begins with a joint meeting of the Senate Finance and House Environmental Matters Committees