
Scientists Fear Human Cloning Bill Could Stunt Disease Research

ANNAPOLIS – Lawmakers moved quickly last week to kill a “well-intentioned” bill to limit human cloning experiments, after scientists warned that it might unwittingly stifle research on Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and cancer

Court Rules Government Workers Can’t Double-Dip on Benefits

ANNAPOLIS – The Court of Special Appeals ruled Thursday that government workers in Maryland cannot collect disability and retirement funds at the same time

Christian Scientists Plead for Exemption from Lead Testing

ANNAPOLIS – Just as they are not forced to immunize their children, Maryland’s 1,000 Christian Science families say they should not be forced to have their children tested for lead poisoning

Assisted Suicide Ban Prompts Emotional Senate Debate

ANNAPOLIS – The Senate gave preliminary approval Thursday to a bill that penalizes those who assist in suicides, after an emotional debate that included lawmakers’ personal experiences of watching people suffer

Maryland Reduces Welfare Caseloads, But People Still Need Help

WASHINGTON – While Maryland’s overall welfare caseload has dropped sharply, a state official told Congress that many of those leaving the system still depend on government programs like food stamps and Medicaid

Inventors, Small Businesses Hope to Tap Home Shopping Network

LAUREL – Eric Anderson wants to put his toilet on TV

Court Reverses Conviction of Man Accused of Abusing Nephew

ANNAPOLIS – The Court of Special Appeals threw out a Montgomery man’s convictions on child abuse and sexual offenses against his nephew, saying a doctor was improperly allowed to comment on the child’s credibility

Southern Maryland Grows Fastest, D.C. Suburbs Grow Biggest

ANNAPOLIS – Southern Maryland’s population grew by 18

Repeat Offenders Can Plead Out of Mandatory Minimums

ANNAPOLIS – Judges can accept plea bargains even if it means a repeat offender will escape mandatory minimum sentences imposed under the state’s subsequent-offender law, a divided Maryland Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday

Tripp Case Prompts Effort to Strengthen Wiretapping Law

ANNAPOLIS – House Democrats said politics is not driving their push for a bill that would strengthen Maryland’s law against illegal wiretaps