
Death of Essex Boy Brings Inhalants Issue to General Assembly

ESSEX – The calendar in the boy’s room is turned to June 1996

Appeals Court Throws Out “Breach of Promise to Marry” Suit

ANNAPOLIS – The Court of Special Appeals Friday upheld a Montgomery County Circuit Court in its dismissal of a “breach of promise to marry” suit, holding that the Legislature’s abolition of that cause of action 51 years ago “is not even open to argument

Judith Hoyer, School Official, Wife of Congressman, Dies

WASHINGTON – Judith Hoyer, a Prince George’s County school official and wife of Democratic Rep

Hair Braiders Seek Relief From State Regulations

ANNAPOLIS – Renee Fitzgerald has been going to Madame Walker’s Braidery in Suitland for the past year to have her hair braided

Delegates Debate Changing Appeal Courts’ Names

ANNAPOLIS – Citing confusion to the general public and law researchers, advocates implored lawmakers Thursday to rename Maryland’s Court of Appeals and Court of Special Appeals

Maryland Losing High-Tech Jobs

WASHINGTON – Maryland lost nearly 5 percent of its private sector, high-tech jobs over a five-year period – largely because of a hemorrhage in defense electronics positions, a recent survey says

County Ordinance Ruled Invalid by Appeals Court

ANNAPOLIS – A 6-year-old St

Clinton’s Balanced Budget Talk Draws Ire of GOP


Democratic Congressmen Applaud Clinton’s Education Proposals

WASHINGTON – Democrats from Baltimore and its suburbs applauded the president’s focus on education in his State of the Union address

Morella, Wynn, Look At Empowerment Zone Idea For District

WASHINGTON – Two local members of Congress said they were glad President Clinton devoted at least one sentence to his plan to revitalize the District during his hour-long State of the Union speech