
EDS: This is a write-thru of a story moved Jan. 24, with better explanations of the data and the trends throughout.

WASHINGTON – The FBI is seeking the capability after October 1998 to conduct electronic surveillance on as many as 890 telephone calls of Marylanders on any given day, an agency study says

Army’s New Plan For Mustard Gas Cleanup Applauded

WASHINGTON – Community activists and lawmakers are applauding the Pentagon’s plan to get rid of millions of pounds of World War II-era mustard gas at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in northeastern Maryland

Area H.S. Has 9 in Prestigious Westinghouse Semifinals

It must be something in Silver Spring’s water

School Nurses Poke and Probe a Student’s Life

ANNAPOLIS – Each day, Sandra Bell deals with bandages and ice packs, inhalers and tissues

Public Airs Concerns on Prison Sentencing

ANNAPOLIS – Making criminals serve their full sentences should be a priority in restructuring the state’s sentencing guidelines

Speaker Emphasizes Growth of High Tech Industries

ANNAPOLIS – Reduce the personal income tax, lift regulations and improve the skills of the work force if you want to make Maryland more attractive to high-tech business, economic experts told lawmakers Friday

FBI Planning On More Phone Surveillance

WASHINGTON – The FBI may need to conduct electronic surveillance on as many as 890 telephone calls of Marylanders on any given day, an FBI study says

Baltimore and Harford Counties Appeal for School Funds

ANNAPOLIS – Michael Rosen, 17, found the best excuse to skip school and American Government class Wednesday

Group Promotes Ethics Code for Poultry Producers

WASHINGTON – A workers’ rights advocacy group, accusing the poultry industry of providing poor wages and unsafe working conditions, Thursday unveiled a proposed code of ethics for poultry producers