
Used Cribs to be Rounded Up to Prevent Infant Deaths

WASHINGTON – Used cribs will be rounded up and destroyed Saturday by a coalition of private and government organizations intent on preventing infant deaths

Board Approves Money for Park on Kay Tract Site

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Board of Public Works Wednesday approved spending nearly $1

Elkridge Students Prepare for Clinton Visit

ELKRIDGE – Meghan Splaine, 13, first heard Thursday that the president was coming to visit her middle school

Governor’s Interstate Support Reflects National Trend

ANNAPOLIS – Impressed with Parris N

Townsend Carves Niche as New Lt. Governor

Maryland’s new lieutenant governor winds up a speech at a Baltimore high school, touching on the importance of hard study, of perseverence

School Fire Inspections Vary among Counties

ANNAPOLIS – With state law silent on how frequently schools should be inspected for fire hazards, policy and practice vary in Maryland

Reporting Rules To Tighten for Lawmakers

ANNAPOLIS – Among the ethics bills passed in the final hours of the 1995 legislative session was a measure tightening rules for trips lawmakers take at the expense of special interest groups

Lawmakers Travel at Interest Group Expense

ANNAPOLIS – State lawmakers received $43,000 worth of trips from special-interest groups in 1993, state records show