
Teachers Learn Computer, Internet Skills Piecemeal

WASHINGTON – Irene Viti first touched a computer in high school, where she learned how to program it using punch cards

Bridge Ratings Guide Funding and Repairs

WASHINGTON – The bridge rating system used in Maryland was established by the Federal Highway Administration following the fatal 1967 collapse of the Silver Bridge between Ohio and West Virginia

Eastern Shore’s Timber Bridges Need Replacement

WASHINGTON – More than a third of Maryland bridges requiring replacement are located along the state’s Eastern Shore

Maryland’s Most Traveled Bridges Absorbing the Traffic Shock

WASHINGTON – Every time a heavy truck drives over the Woodrow Wilson Bridge, the catwalk beneath the deck shivers from the impact

Inspectors Go To Great Lengths to Ensure Bridge Safety

WASHINGTON – Climbing over large spans, whacking them with hammers, listening for hollow sounds, and examining every foot for defects, Maryland’s bridge inspectors try to ensure what motorists may take for granted: safe bridges

Most Maryland Bridges Safe, But Hundreds Need Work

WASHINGTON – While an overwhelming majority of Maryland’s bridges are structurally sound, at least 229 require repairs or replacement, state records reveal

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Several Western Maryland Bridges Slated For Replacement

WASHINGTON – Eleven bridges in four Western Maryland counties are rated by the state as structurally deficient and must be replaced or repaired, state records show

For Many, Fear of Crossing Bridges Alters Travel Plans, Lives

WASHINGTON – If driving over bridges makes you panic, you’re not alone

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WASHINGTON – Residents of Denton, Md