
School for Disruptive Youth Is Hitting Its Stride

BLADENSBURG – A couple of months ago, few teachers would have seen much potential in Antione Forrest

Drug-Free Schools Program Endangered by Congress

WASHINGTON – All substance abuse prevention programs in Montgomery County schools would be wiped out and Prince George’s County efforts would be badly weakened if Congress eliminates federal funds for a drug-free schools program, program directors said

GOP Committee Bolsters Campaign War Chests

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland GOP Senate-House Committee, an obscure political action committee, has become a muscular force in legislative campaign finance

Baltimore and Montgomery Counties Draw the Most Bridge Money

WASHINGTON – Bridges in Baltimore County are drawing more federal funds for repair and replacement than bridges in any other Maryland municipality, county and state officials said in recent interviews

New Law Offers Incentive to First-Time Home Buyers

ANNAPOLIS – Just days before the close of the 1995 legislative session, state lawmakers approved a reduction in closing costs for first-time home buyers, lauding it as an economic development step

Lawmakers Want Businesses To Help Reform Welfare

ANNAPOLIS – Recognizing the Congressional mood to give states more flexibility in welfare reform, the Maryland General Assembly made a bipartisan push this session for its own welfare- to-work programs

Little Legislative Impact on Environment Pleases Advocates

ANNAPOLIS – The 1995 legislative session was marked by frequent clashes between environmental and business interests, but ended with few achievements for either side

Across Party Lines, State Legislators Vote Green

ANNAPOLIS – Solid support for environmental legislation in the 1995 session came from both Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate, environmental advocates said