ANNAPOLIS – State officials warned legislators Friday that set-up costs for a baby voucher proposal in a welfare reform bill could be “astronomical
Baseball Bill Sponsors Got Campaign Money from Angelos
ANNAPOLIS – Four legislative leaders who championed an emergency bill that may help Orioles owner Peter G
Glendening Says Proposed Cuts Will Hurt Children
ANNAPOLIS – Maryland stands to lose at least $10
Only Two Maryland Congressmen Vote for Term Limits
WASHINGTON – Only two of Maryland’s eight representatives voted for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on Congress, which became the first plank of the Republican’s Contract with America to be rejected by the House
Michigan Engineer Wins $500,000 Prize for Inventors
WASHINGTON – In what was casually dubbed the “Academy Awards” for inventors, a Michigan engineer received a $500,000 prize Wednesday for his work to increase passenger safety and car performance for General Motors Corp
University of Maryland Appealing Banneker Case to Supreme Court
WASHINGTON – The University of Maryland at College Park Wednesday will appeal to the U
State School Board Looks at National Teacher Certification
BALTIMORE – Maryland teachers may soon choose to try out for an elite national group that recognizes excellence among educators
Shift in Priorities Cuts Day Care for Working Mothers
ANNAPOLIS – A young mother starts what seems an ordinary day
Lawmakers, Residents Want Homeowners Rights
ANNAPOLIS – In the front yard of her Regent’s Square townhouse in Rockville, Diane Young replaced several prickly bushes with azaleas, laid a brick walkway, arranged a flower bed with railroad ties and installed stepping stones for watering her impatiens and pansies
Editors: Hold for release for Sunday, March 26, and after.
WASHINGTON – As a former Maryland All-American and NBA star, Len Elmore understands the pressures of being heavily recruited by teams and player agents