WASHINGTON – President Clinton’s proposed 14 percent cut to federal transportation programs could lead to fare hikes for Metrorail riders
Purdue Spokesman Conceptually Supports USDA Inspection Plan
WASHINGTON – A spokesman for Purdue Farms Inc
Bay License Plates and Income Tax Check-offs Fund Bay Projects
ANNAPOLIS – Students from Broadneck Senior High School spenta week last summer camping at Wye Island, where their days werepacked with activities, from planting marsh grasses to buildingbird boxes
Bill Would Make It Easier To Charge Pot Smugglers withFelonies
ANNAPOLIS – Calling marijuana the “drug of choice” fortoday’s youth, police urged the Senate Judicial ProceedingsCommittee to lower the amount necessary for a felony possessioncharge from 100 to 10 pounds
Health Union Seeks Earlier Help for Potential Layoff Victims
ANNAPOLIS – Health care union officials asked legislatorsThursday to use hospital closing contingency funds to train andrelocate health care workers as soon as hospitals announcemergers or closings
Recipients Want Seats at Welfare Reform Table
ANNAPOLIS – Over 200 advocates for the poor gatheredThursday to challenge Del
Maryland’s `Old Boys Network’ Gets A Face-Lift
ANNAPOLIS – James Rzepkowski is like many 23-year-olds
CNS,Child Support,495
ANNAPOLIS – If a family can afford it, should the state be able to collect fees for tracking down unpaid child support? Officials of Maryland’s Child Support Enforcement Administration say yes, while activists – and some lawmakers – say no
Bill Would Require Candidates’ O.K. for Name Use
ANNAPOLIS – Political action committees should be barred from using a candidate’s name without that candidate’s consent, lawmakers told a House committee Tuesday