
New Immigrant Affairs office to connect resource centers

A new Governor’s Office for Immigrant Affairs is tasked with connecting immigrant advocacy resources across the state to those in need, and Maryland’s nonprofits and high-ranking officials have thrown in their support — and expectations.

Horse rescue will operate new facility with grant from state

A horse sanctuary in Maryland plans to use a $100,000 state grant to pay for new indoor training and education facilities. Earlier this month, the Board of Public Works approved the grant to Days End Farm Horse Rescue in Woodbine, Maryland.

P.G. County Police resist release of misconduct records, despite law change

The Prince George’s County Police Department has refused to disclose police misconduct records, despite a new state law that was intended, according to its sponsor, to open such records to the public and the media.

Maryland will pay wrongfully convicted man

Maryland has agreed to pay a wrongfully convicted prisoner more than $500,000 in compensation. 

Washington Metrorail Safety Commission removes 60% of trains from service

Washington Metrorail Safety Commission ordered the removal of all 7000-series railcars from service. Only 40 trains will remain operating as of now. 7000-series trains make up nearly 60% of Metrorail’s fleet so trains will operate about every 30 minutes rather than the usual 5-8 minutes.

More non-prescription meds are coming to vending machines

Vending machines in Maryland can now stock everything from allergy relief to some contraception along with candy or chips under a new state law.

Hogan proposes $150 million for increased Maryland police funding

Gov. Larry Hogan, R, on Friday announced police and public-safety funding proposals, which drew criticism from Democratic members of the Legislature.

Maryland is seeing an increase in precipitation, sea level and flooding

The Capital News Service Digital Bureau analyzed data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, finding an increase of precipitation in the state of Maryland over the last two decades.