Letonya Smalls

Campaign email: electLetonyaSmalls@gmail.com Age: 48 Employment: Yes, Easterseals Center Director Education: Doctorate, Northcentral University  Why are you running for the school board?  Board of Education (At-Large) What makes you a good candidate for the board?  I am a good candidate…

David Plotts

Campaign email: david@davidplotts.com Website: www.davidplotts.com Facebook: facebook.com/DavidPlottsWicomico Age: 39 Employment: Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, Financial controller. Education: Master of Science in Management with a Finance Specialization, University of Maryland University College. Why are you running for the school…

Sharon Brown Jacobs

Campaign email: sbjacobs4boardofed@gmail.com Age: 55 Employment: CEO, Strategic Alliances Group Inc. What is the highest level of education that you completed, and where did you get that degree?  Master of Science, Systems Acquisition Management, Naval Postgraduate School Why are you…

Denise Perry

Campaign email: deniseperryea@gmail.com Age: 64 Employment: Retired Education: Graduated from University of Maryland with a Bachelor’s Degree Why are you running for the school board?  I want our students to have a quality education that gives them the tools to…

Melissa Hahn

Melissa Hahn Campaign email: hahndistrictboe@outlook.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Melissa-Hahn-for-District-D-of-the-Harford-County-BOE/100071854684031/ Age: 44 Employment: Substitute teacher for Harford County Public Schools and full-time mom and wife. Education: Certification in Early Childhood Education General College Studies at Essex Community College  Why are you running for…

John Abbott

Campaign email: calebsdad@gmail.com Website: www.citizensforjohnabbott.com Age: 52 Employment: Wallops Island Flight Facility- Engineering technician lll Education: Diploma, Washington High School Why are you running for the school board?   I am running to advocate for students, parents and taxpayers who have…

Tracy H. McGuire

Campaign email: tracyhmcguire@comcast.net Facebook: www.facebook.com/McGuire4BOE Age: 59 Employment: I work at the Law Offices of Julie A. Schejbal and I am assistant to the attorney. I’m not an attorney myself.  Education: Bachelor’s of Science at George Mason University. Why are…

Linfeng Chen

Campaign email: chen4boe@gmail.com Website: chen4boe.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/DrChen4BOE Age: 46 Employment:  I work for Baltimore Aircoil Company as a Principal Engineer Education: Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics, University of Virginia Why are you running for the school board?  I am running for…

Rebecca Chesner

Campaign email: rebeccachesner@comcast.net Website: www.votechesner.com Age: 63 Employment: Retired school psychologist Education: Master’s and certificate of advanced study in school psychology from Towson University Why are you running for the school board?  As a former school psychologist for Baltimore City…

Nicole Kreamer

Campaign email: nicolekreamerforschoolboard@gmail.com Website: nicolekreamerforschoolboard.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071683854168* Age: Not disclosed Employment: Local hospital, Physician Liaison Project Manager Education: Master’s in Healthcare Administration and MBA from University of Maryland University College Why are you running for the school board? As a…