New Bill Taps Leftover Lottery Funds for School Construction

ANNAPOLIS – Leftover lottery proceeds could go toward badly needed public school construction and renovation under a new bill prefiled for the 2001 General Assembly session by an Anne Arundel County Republican

Maryland Senate To Televise Limited Proceedings

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Senate will begin televising chamber deliberations and committee hearings in February

Maryland Musical Groups Get to Visit White House for a Song — Literally

WASHINGTON – It was hard to tell what excited Cashell Elementary School students more — singing in the White House or just missing the president’s dog, Buddy, who padded past just minutes before they sang

Glendening Names Spending Priorities: Maryland Universities, Transportation, Smart Growth

ANNAPOLIS – A “major” higher education construction program will be the focal point of Maryland Gov

Taylor Lists Legislative Priorities For Montgomery Leaders

ANNAPOLIS – A new regional transportation authority is one of the top priorities for House Speaker Casper R

Maryland Appeals Ruling That Favored Virginia in Potomac River Dispute

WASHINGTON – Maryland officials have appealed an arbiter’s decision that would let a Fairfax County, Va

Retired Military Service Dogs Wait in Limbo, a Month After Adoption Law Passed

WASHINGTON – A month after President Clinton signed a bill to allow the adoption of military service dogs that might otherwise be put to sleep, legal delays and an apparent lack of interest have prevented any of the animals from being adopted, officials said

Maryland Legislators To Revisit Inheritance Tax Repeal

ANNAPOLIS – The General Assembly will try again to eliminate the state’s 10 percent inheritance tax when it reconvenes in January to consider a bill to give aunts, nephews, cousins and friends the same exemption that closer relatives now have

Federal Budget Wrangling Holds Up $84 Million in Funds for Maryland Schools

WASHINGTON – State education officials said that until Congress approves a budget for fiscal 2001, Maryland cannot make its own plans, including whether it can spend $84

Eighth-Grade Reading Scores Lag Behind Other Test Subjects

ANNAPOLIS – While eighth-grade reading scores improved by 1