WASHINGTON – The presidential candidates cannot stop talking up their platforms for education
Internet Campaigns Further Muddy Line Between Hill and Campaign Trail Duties
WASHINGTON – It was a one-sentence caption buried deep among the links and photos on Rep
House Staffers Face Bewildering Array of Rules for Work on Campaigns
WASHINGTON – The House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct — better known as the ethics committee — released a memo to House members earlier this year outlining what their tax-funded Hill offices could and could not do during election season
Women Hunters Take Shot at Traditionally Male Sport
ANNAPOLIS – Old hunting tradition: Guns
As Lawmakers Fiddle Over Fiscal 2001 Budget, Federal Workers Burn
WASHINGTON – Maryland’s 130,000 federal workers have been left in limbo as Congress wrangles over the budget, with agencies unable to hire or enact new programs that were slated to take effect Oct
Woolly Bears Predict a Woolly Winter for Mid-Atlantic Region
WASHINGTON – Bundle up, Maryland
Congressmen Stuck on Hill, Off Campaign Trail, Just Days Before Election
WASHINGTON – Voters who showed up at the Ocean Pines branch of the Worcester County Library for a town meeting Wednesday with Rep
With Little to Gain, Presidential Hopefuls Cross Maryland Off Their Schedules
WASHINGTON – Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, Washington and Oregon all have one thing in common — each has been visited more in the past two weeks by the major presidential candidates than Maryland has been in the entire election
Maryland Youth Defy Apathetic Voter Stereotype
ANNAPOLIS – Just 11 months ago, Maryland Young Democrats was moribund and leaderless
Lierman Defends Loan to Congressman, Questions Pre-Election Timing of Story
WASHINGTON – The Democratic challenger in Maryland’s 8th District congressional race Tuesday defended a $25,000 loan that he made to a Virginia congressman last year