GAITHERSBURG – Republican Robin Ficker made it official Thursday: After campaigning for a year and a half, the former state delegate announced that he is running for the U
State’s College Campuses Often Sit in Unsafe Areas, National Study Says
WASHINGTON – Many of Maryland’s four-year colleges sit in unsafe communities, according to a new national study that state college officials immediately attacked as irrelevant
Vets Worried by Plan to Shift Services from Fort Howard Medical Center
WASHINGTON – Billy Buck says he is in good health now, but the Army veteran worries about what might happen if the Department of Veterans Affairs scales back services at nearby Fort Howard VA Medical Center
Veterans Day Brings Bitter Memory of Japanese Slave Labor for Two Area Vets
WASHINGTON – Paul Reuter plans to attend Veterans Day ceremonies at his local American Legion post Thursday, but it won’t be without regrets or bad memories
Maryland Opens Prepaid College Tuition Fund to D.C. Residents
WASHINGTON – The state has opened the Maryland Prepaid College Trust Fund to residents of Washington, D
Maryland Eyes Outcome of Supreme Court Case on Mandatory Student Fees
WASHINGTON – Colleges should be allowed to collect mandatory student fees, even if some students object to the campus groups that their money is being used to support, the University of Wisconsin argued Tuesday before the Supreme Court
Women’s Caucus Finds Its Work Cut Out for It — Once Again
ANNAPOLIS – A parade of witnesses told the Women Legislators of Maryland on Tuesday that the state needs to focus on issues of health care, domestic violence, education, gun control and poverty
Lasers Make Nighttime Speed Traps Possible — But Not Safe — for Cops
WASHINGTON – Wicomico County Sheriff’s deputies have yet to take their new laser gun out at night
See Parris. See Parris Pick a Children’s Book. Read, Parris, Read!
WASHINGTON – Maryland Gov
Increasing Use of Lasers Lets Police Hunt for Speeders at Night
WASHINGTON – Alexander Anneker was zipping around a curve on Interstate 295 in Prince George’s County earlier this fall when a man with a gun suddenly stepped in front of his car