ANNAPOLIS – Renewing drivers’ licenses through a countertop television is the future for the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration, its administrator says, but for now state residents will have to be content with shorter lines
Maryland Drop in Teen Births Outpaces Nation, But Some Groups Lag
WASHINGTON – The number of births to Maryland girls ages15-19 dropped 19
Federal Appeals Panel Gives Rough Reception to Wilson Bridge Opponents
WASHINGTON – Opponents of a new Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge got a rough reception Tuesday in a federal appeals court, where they argued that further environmental studies are needed on the proposed 12-lane replacement bridge
Traditional Halloween Festivities Don’t Stand a Ghost of a Chance in Schools
WASHINGTON – Halloween is no longer welcome in some Harford County schools, where pictures of witches, goblins and scarecrows no longer hang from the walls
Court Orders New Trial in Headline-Grabbing Annapolis Restaurant Assault
A federal appeals court has ordered a new trial for an Annapolis man who was convicted on “vulnerable” evidence and has since served almost eight years in jail for the brutal beating of a restaurant manager
Who Drives Halloween Worries? Could it Be Satan?
WASHINGTON – The backlash against traditional Halloween celebrations in schools became so prevalent that experts even coined a term for it: Satanic panic
Summer Drought Makes Pumpkin Shopping a Scary Experience
WASHINGTON – A flawless, locally grown jack-o-lantern will be tougher to find this Halloween, as bad weather cut Maryland pumpkin production by about half, a specialist said
AIDS Agencies Grapple with Rising HIV Infections Among Women
WASHINGTON – Chenita Smithwick finds more and more women walking into her Baltimore office every day
Appeals Court Orders Hearing for Maryland Man Facing Deportation
A federal appeals court has ruled that a Prince George’s County immigrant who faced deportation is due a hearing in U
Germantown Man Drops Presidential Bid But Holds on to Principles
GERMANTOWN – Elizabeth Dole wasn’t the only casualty in the presidential race last week