Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Plant Renewal Moves Ahead, Too Quickly for Some

WASHINGTON – Little is left for the Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plant to prove its life span can be safely extended

Blacks Not Targeted by Stricter Seat Belt Laws, Survey Says

WASHINGTON- Two years and tens of thousands of tickets later, Maryland State Police say the state’s stricter seat belt law has increased seat belt use and decreased highway fatalities

Syphilis Cases Jump on Eastern Shore, Bucking State Trend

WASHINGTON – Syphilis cases on the Eastern Shore rose sharply from 1996 to 1998, even as cases recorded for the entire state dropped for the first time in five years

NRC Sees No Environmental Harm from Nuclear Plant’s Relicensing

WASHINGTON – The Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plant can be relicensed without causing significant adverse environmental impact, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has ruled

Maryland Gets Failing Grade for Efforts to Ban Tobacco Sales to Minors

WASHINGTON – Maryland’s efforts to keep tobacco products out of the hands of minors fell far short in 1996, according to a new study whose author singled out the state for a failing grade

Murderer Cannot Sue Police For Failure to Protect His Property

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court refused Tuesday to hear the appeal of a Hagerstown murderer who sued police for not safeguarding his belongings in the home he shared with his victim

Maryland Donations to Clinton Defense Fund Come in All Sizes

WASHINGTON – Every week, George Eyler takes $10 in single bills and gives them to 10 different needy causes

With No Campaign to Pay For, Neas Vows to Return Campaign Funds

WASHINGTON – Ralph Neas, the Montgomery County Democrat who raised more than $120,000 for a 2000 congressional run before dropping out, said he plans to give it all back

Columbus Day Stirs Passion for Some, Brings Little Notice from Many in State

WASHINGTON – A few events are planned, banks will be closed and state and federal workers will have the day off, but there will be little else to mark Columbus Day around the state Monday

Maryland Donations to Clinton Legal Defense Outstrip Previous Pace

WASHINGTON – Maryland residents gave more than $90,000 to President Clinton’s legal trust fund during the first six months of 1999, almost matching contributions for all of last year, according to the fund