Couple’s Hobby Helps Bring a Hamlet on the National Road Back to Life

CLEAR SPRING – Along most of Route 40 west of Hagerstown, the 20th century has made its presence felt

Patients’ Bill Praised, Criticized


Officials Hope to Revive Road That Was Once the Commercial Backbone of State

On the map, it’s almost a straight shot west and north from Baltimore before turning up toward Wheeling, W

Former Senator Looks Back on Congress and Doesn’t Like What He Sees

WASHINGTON – Charles “Mac” Mathias will soon return to the Capitol — but not to rejoin a Congress that the former senator from Maryland sees as increasingly contentious

Electric Utilities’ Campaign Contributions Pay Off

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland’s three most powerful politicians accepted at least $158,650 in campaign contributions and donations from companies with a strong interest in the electric deregulation legislation that passed this year

Small Care Home Owners Dispute Claim of Success in General Assembly

ANNAPOLIS – Health care officials declared the 1999 General Assembly session a success, but some owners of small assisted living facilities aren’t so sure

For Use Monday, April 26 or thereafter

ANNAPOLIS – To protest rising gasoline prices, angry drivers are circulating a letter over the Internet urging people to refuse to buy gas Friday, in an event nicknamed “The Gas Out

Federal Sentences in Maryland Among Longest in the Nation

WASHINGTON – Maryland’s federal courts handed down some of the nation’s harshest sentences between 1993 and 1997, according to a federal records database

Federal Prosecutor’s Aggressiveness is Fueled by Her Personal Convictions

BALTIMORE – Lynne Battaglia is in argument mode